URL Encoding

URL encoding is a method used to encode Uniform Resource Locator (URL). URL encoding is needed because URLs can only be sent using the ASCII character set. Since URLs often contain characters outside of ASCII set, URL encoding is used to convert these characters into a format that can be transmitted. URL encoding is also known as percent encoding.

Characters that are not allowed in a URL are replaced with a “%” symbol followed by two hexadecimal digits that represent the ASCII code of the character. Here are some examples of URL encoding:

  • A space is typically encoded as %20 or as a + symbol.
  • A slash (/) is encoded as %2F, a question mark (?) is encoded as %3F, and a colon (:) is encoded as %3A.
  • Reserved characters that have special meaning in URLs (such as :, /, ?, &, #, etc.) are also encoded if they are part of the data and not part of the URL syntax. For example, the ampersand (&) is encoded as %26.
DEC ASCII UTF-8 Windows-1252 Description
32 %20 %20 Space
33 ! %21 %21 Exclamation mark
34 " %22 %22 Double quotes (or speech marks)
35 # %23 %23 Number
36 $ %24 %24 Dollar
37 % %25 %25 Percent sign
38 & %26 %26 Ampersand
39 ' %27 %27 Single quote
40 ( %28 %28 Open parenthesis (or open bracket)
41 ) %29 %29 Close parenthesis (or close bracket)
42 * %2A %2A Asterisk
43 + %2B %2B Plus
44 , %2C %2C Comma
45 - %2D %2D Hyphen
46 . %2E %2E Period, dot or full stop
47 / %2F %2F Slash or divide
48 0 %30 %30 Zero
49 1 %31 %31 One
50 2 %32 %32 Two
51 3 %33 %33 Three
52 4 %34 %34 Four
53 5 %35 %35 Five
54 6 %36 %36 Six
55 7 %37 %37 Seven
56 8 %38 %38 Eight
57 9 %39 %39 Nine
58 : %3A %3A Colon
59 ; %3B %3B Semi Colon
60 < %3C %3C Less than (or open angled bracket)
61 = %3D %3D Equals
62 > %3E %3E Greater than (or close angled bracket)
63 ? %3D %3D Question mark
64 @ %40 %40 At symbol
65 A %41 %41 Uppercase A
66 B %42 %42 Uppercase B
67 C %43 %43 Uppercase C
68 D %44 %44 Uppercase D
69 E %45 %45 Uppercase E
70 F %46 %46 Uppercase F
71 G %47 %47 Uppercase G
72 H %48 %48 Uppercase H
73 I %49 %49 Uppercase I
74 J %4A %4A Uppercase J
75 K %4B %4B Uppercase K
76 L %4C %4C Uppercase L
77 M %4D %4D Uppercase M
78 N %4E %4E Uppercase N
79 O %4F %4F Uppercase O
80 P %50 %50 Uppercase P
81 Q %51 %51 Uppercase Q
82 R %52 %52 Uppercase R
83 S %53 %53 Uppercase S
84 T %54 %54 Uppercase T
85 U %55 %55 Uppercase U
86 V %56 %56 Uppercase V
87 W %57 %57 Uppercase W
88 X %58 %58 Uppercase X
89 Y %59 %59 Uppercase Y
90 Z %5A %5A Uppercase Z
91 [ %5B %5B Opening bracket
92 \ %5C %5C Backslash
93 ] %5D %5D Closing bracket
94 ^ %5E %5E Caret - circumflex
95 _ %5F %5F Underscore
96 ` %60 %60 Grave accent
97 a %61 %61 Lowercase a
98 b %62 %62 Lowercase b
99 C %63 %63 Lowercase c
100 d %64 %64 Lowercase d
101 e %65 %65 Lowercase e
102 f %66 %66 Lowercase f
103 g %67 %67 Lowercase g
104 h %68 %68 Lowercase h
105 i %69 %69 Lowercase i
106 j %6A %6A Lowercase j
107 k %6B %6B Lowercase k
108 l %6C %6C Lowercase l
109 m %6D %6D Lowercase m
110 n %6E %6E Lowercase n
111 o %6E %6E Lowercase o
112 p %70 %70 Lowercase p
113 q %71 %71 Lowercase q
114 r %72 %72 Lowercase r
115 s %73 %73 Lowercase s
116 t %74 %74 Lowercase t
117 u %75 %75 Lowercase u
118 v %76 %76 Lowercase v
119 w %77 %77 Lowercase w
120 x %78 %78 Lowercase x
121 y %79 %79 Lowercase y
122 z %7A %7A Lowercase z
123 { %7B %7B Opening brace
124 | %7C %7C Vertical bar
125 } %7D %7D Closing brace
126 ~ %98 %CB%9C Equivalency sign - tilde
127 z %8E %C5%BD Delete

Excended ASCII codes (character code 128-255)

DEC ASCII UTF-8 Windows-1252 Description
128 %80 %E2%82%AC Euro sign
129 %81 %81
130 %82 %E2%80%9A Single low-9 quotation mark
131 ƒ %83 %C6%92 Latin small letter f with hook
132 %84 %E2%80%9E Double low-9 quotation mark
133 %85 %E2%80%A6 Horizontal ellipsis
134 %86 %E2%80%A1 Dagger
135 %87 %E2%80%A1 Double dagger
136 ˆ %88 %CB%86 Modifier letter circumflex accent
137 %89 %E2%80%B0 Per mille sign
138 Š %8A %C5%A0 Latin capital letter S with caron
139 %8B %E2%80%B9 Single left-pointing angle quotation
140 Œ %8C %C5%92 Latin capital ligature OE
141 %8D %C5%8D
142 Ž %8E %C5%BD Latin capital letter Z with caron
143 %8F %8F
144 %90 %C2%90
145 %91 %E2%80%98 Left single quotation mark
146 %92 %E2%80%99 Right single quotation mark
147 %93 %E2%80%9C Left double quotation mark
148 %94 %E2%80%9D Right double quotation mark
149 %95 %E2%80%A2 Bullet
150 %96 %E2%80%93 En dash
151 %97 %E2%80%94 Em dash
152 ˜ %97 %CB%9C Small tilde
153 %99> %E2%84 Trade mark sign
154 š %9A %C5%A1 Latin small letter S with caron
155 %9B %E2%80 Single right-pointing angle quotation mark
156 œ %9BC %C5%93 Latin small ligature oe
157 %9D %9D
158 ž %9E %C5%BE Latin small letter z with caron
159 Ÿ %9F %C5%B8 Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis
160 %A0 %A0 Non-breaking space
161 ¡ %A1 %C2%A1 Inverted exclamation mark
162 ¢ %A2 %C2%A2 Cent sign
163 £ %A3 %C2%A3 Pound sign
164 ¤ %A4 %C2%A4 Currency sign
165 ¥ %A5 %C2%A5 Yen sign
166 ¦ %A6 %C2%A6 Pipe, Broken vertical bar
167 § %A7 %C2%A7 Section sign
168 ¨ %A8 %C2%A8 Spacing diaeresis - umlaut
169 © %A9 %C2%A9 Copyright sign
170 ª %AA %C2%AA Feminine ordinal indicator
171 « %AB %C2%AB Left double angle quotes
172 ¬ %AC %C2%AC Not sign
173 ­ %AD %C2%AD Soft hyphen
174 ® %AE %C2%AE Registered trade mark sign
175 ¯ %AF %C2%AF Spacing macron - overline
176 ° %B0 %C2%B0 Degree sign
177 ± %B1 %C2%B1 Plus-or-minus sign
178 ² %B2 %C2%B2 Superscript two - squared
179 ³ %B3 %C2%B3 Superscript three - cubed
180 ´ %B4 %C2%B4 Acute accent - spacing acute
181 µ %B5 %C2%B5 Micro sign
182 %B6 %C2%B6 Pilcrow sign - paragraph sign
183 · %B7 %C2%B7 Middle dot - Georgian comma
184 ¸ %B8 %C2%B8 Spacing cedilla
185 ¹ %B9 %C2%B9 Superscript one
186 º %BA %C2%BA Masculine ordinal indicator
187 » %BB %C2%BB Right double angle quotes
188 ¼ %BC %C2%BC Fraction one quarter
189 ½ %BD %C2%BD Fraction one half
190 ¾ %BE %C2%BE Fraction three quarters
191 ¿ %BF %C2%BF Inverted question mark
192 À %C0 %C3%80 Latin capital letter A with grave
193 Á %C1 %C3%81 Latin capital letter A with acute
194 Â %C2 %C3%82 Latin capital letter A with circumflex
195 Ã %C3 %C3%83 Latin capital letter A with tilde
196 Ä %C4 %C3%84 Latin capital letter A with diaeresis
197 Å %C5 %C3%85 Latin capital letter A with ring above
198 Æ %C6 %C3%86 Latin capital letter AE
199 Ç %C7 %C3%87 Latin capital letter C with cedilla
200 È %C8 %C3%88 Latin capital letter E with grave
201 É %C9 %C3%89 Latin capital letter E with acute
202 Ê %CA %C3%8A Latin capital letter E with circumflex
203 Ë %CB %C3%8B Latin capital letter E with diaeresis
204 Ì %CC %C3%8C Latin capital letter I with grave
205 Í %CD %C3%8D Latin capital letter I with acute
206 Î %CE %C3%8E Latin capital letter I with circumflex
207 Ï %CF %C3%8F Latin capital letter I with diaeresis
208 Ð %D0 %C3%90 Latin capital letter ETH
209 Ñ %D1 %C3%91 Latin capital letter N with tilde
210 Ò %D2 %C3%92 Latin capital letter O with grave
211 Ó %D3 %C3%93 Latin capital letter O with acute
212 Ô %D4 %C3%94 Latin capital letter O with circumflex
213 Õ %D5 %C3%95 Latin capital letter O with tilde
214 Ö %D6 %C3%96 Latin capital letter O with diaeresis
215 × %D7 %C3%97 Multiplication sign
216 Ø %D8 %C3%98 Latin capital letter O with slash
217 Ù %D9 %C3%99 Latin capital letter U with grave
218 Ú %DA %C3%9A Latin capital letter U with acute
219 Û %DB %C3%9B Latin capital letter U with circumflex
220 Ü %DC %C3%9C Latin capital letter U with diaeresis
221 Ý %DD %C3%9D Latin capital letter Y with acute
222 Þ %DE %C3%9E Latin capital letter THORN
223 ß %DF %C3%9F Latin small letter sharp s - ess-zed
224 à %E0 %C3%A0 Latin small letter a with grave
225 á %E1 %C3%A1 Latin small letter a with acute
226 â %E2 %C3%A2 Latin small letter a with circumflex
227 ã %E3 %C3%A3 Latin small letter a with tilde
228 ä %E4 %C3%A4 Latin small letter a with diaeresis
229 å %E5 %C3%A5 Latin small letter a with ring above
230 æ %E6 %C3%A6 Latin small letter ae
231 ç %E7 %C3%A7 Latin small letter c with cedilla
232 è %E8 %C3%A8 Latin small letter e with grave
233 é %E9 %C3%A9 Latin small letter e with acute
234 ê %EA %C3%AA Latin small letter e with circumflex
235 ë %EB %C3%AB Latin small letter e with diaeresis
236 ì %EC %C3%AC Latin small letter i with grave
237 í %ED %C3%AD Latin small letter i with acute
238 î %EE %C3%AE Latin small letter i with circumflex
239 ï %EF %C3%AF Latin small letter i with diaeresis
240 ð %F0 %C3%B0 Latin small letter eth
241 ñ %F1 %C3%B1 Latin small letter n with tilde
242 ò %F2 %C3%B2 Latin small letter o with grave
243 ó %F3 %C3%B3 Latin small letter o with acute
244 ô %F4 %C3%B4 Latin small letter o with circumflex
245 õ %F5 %C3%B5 Latin small letter o with tilde
246 ö %F6 %C3%B6 Latin small letter o with diaeresis
247 ÷ %F7 %C3%B7 Division sign
248 ø %F8 %C3%B8 Latin small letter o with slash
249 ù %F9 %C3%B9 Latin small letter u with grave
250 ú %FA %C3%BA Latin small letter u with acute
251 û %FB %C3%BB Latin small letter u with circumflex
252 ü %FC %C3%BC Latin small letter u with diaeresis
253 ý %FD %C3%BD Latin small letter y with acute
255 þ %FF %C3%BE Latin small letter thorn

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