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by (Posts: 0) » about 55 years ago

(1) Answer(s)


by IP Location (Posts: 30) » about 1 year ago

Joyce, I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing an issue with MLB due to IP geolocation inaccuracies. We obtain IP geolocation data from 8 different providers, and they all get their ownership data from IANA. The IP blocks are assigned to ISPs like Verizon, and IP geolocation providers obtain ownership information from IANA. That is half of the puzzle. Most ISPs in the USA cover multiple regions, and may dynamically assign IP addresses to its customers. So, an IP address can be assigned to a customer in VA or CT depending on its availability and how Verizon allocate IP addresses to its regions. Since IP addresses are scarce resources, companies like Verizon may utilize allocation differently depending on their demand. By obtaining a static IP address, you're guaranteed to get the same IP address every time you connect to the Internet -- and this helps. IP Geolocation providers make their best attempt to map an IP address to a location, but often times they are not very accurate. As described in our article,, the regional accuracy is about 55% ~ 80% accuracy. This is the reason why Google doesn't provide you with IP Geolocation on the search result when you enter your IP in Google Search -- they know it will not be accurate and do not disclose it. In. my opinion, MLB should NOT use the IP Geolocation data to restrict users as the data they are using is not accurate. There will always be false positives. There is no real solution or work around to fix this permanently as ISPs and IP Geolocation providers are doing their best to allocate IP to it's optimum.