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Why Eurekapi website allways unavailable?

Why Eurekapi website allways unavailable?

by Max Safronov (Posts: 1) » about 6 years ago

When i'm going to they're website - always getting that error:

Our site is temporarily unavailable

Also i sent them few emails - i never got any responses from them. Also they're not doing changes in DB,  ignoring my messages.

(2) Answer(s)


by IP Location (Posts: 30) » about 6 years ago

I'm sorry to hear that. We're using their API to retrieve data from their server, and it has been pretty stable.

We've heard a few comments from other readers of our website stating the same, so it could be possible that they are not maintaining their website up-to-date.

Website is not that big issue like ignoring our emails. I can not update my geolocation for last couple months. Can you help me somehow with geolocation correction?

- Max Safronov about 6 years ago
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by Max Safronov (Posts: 1) » about 6 years ago

Can you help me to correct geolocation from Eureka for one of my IP ranges?

We're unable to edit Eurek data as they are retrieved from API.

- IP Location about 6 years ago
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