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When should you take Duratia if you've had prostate surgery?

When should you take Duratia if you've had prostate surgery?

by Jonis Costtale (Posts: 0) » about 4 months ago

Duratia is a medication that contains the active ingredient Dapoxetine, which is used to treat premature ejaculation (PE). If you've had prostate surgery, it's essential to follow your healthcare provider's recommendations regarding the timing and use of Duratia or any other medication. In general, if you've had prostate surgery, particularly procedures such as radical prostatectomy, it's crucial to wait until you have fully recovered and received clearance from your healthcare provider before starting any new medications, including Duratia. Prostate surgery can have a significant impact on urinary and sexual function, and your healthcare provider will advise you on the appropriate timing for resuming sexual activity and considering treatments for conditions such as PE. If your healthcare provider determines that Duratia is appropriate for you, they will provide specific instructions on when and how to take it. Dapoxetine is typically taken on an as-needed basis, approximately 1 to 3 hours before anticipated sexual activity. However, the timing and dosage may vary depending on individual factors such as your overall health, medical history, and response to the medication. It's essential to communicate openly with your healthcare provider about your concerns and questions regarding Duratia or any other medications. They can provide personalized guidance based on your specific situation and help you navigate the recovery process after prostate surgery.

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